Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Um..... Hi.....

So remember when I said that I would update my blog "every" friday. Well.... as you can probably see, I never really did that. I never really felt that oh so special urge to rant and rave about anything. A while ago, I thought it would be fun to rip apart the notion of "infatuation" but then while writing the post, I just got really bored and thought I sounded MORE of an airhead than usual. The scary thing is that I actually at that time had FOUR IDEAS to write about (and I'm not going to tell you ANY OF THEM!- except of course the infatuation one..). In fact, I cannot REMEMBER any of them other than that whole infatuation rant. In all honesty, I forgot completely about this blog. I forgot about YOU, my LOVING fans (I'm still available if anyone's interested???). It's ok now, thing's are going to be different. I'm like that dead beat dad who has finally understand the error of his ways and has come to yearn for the love and devotion of his family. I've come to return to my internet family of potential stalkers, random people whom I might or might not dislike, people who I all ready talk to anyway without the aid of a blog, and most importantly, the annoying little people who live inside of my head. I'll be frank and say that I will update this blog whenever I feel the urge to. Forget facebook status updates, I will say whatever it is that I am "feeling" here.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's My Life

Hello you all, Fatty is here (and not not In da House-I'm tired of that joke too). I know I have not posted anything the last two weeks, and I am VERY sorry (no really I am). I was trying to think of something SUPER FANTASTICALLY AWESOME to tell you guys (naturally, all my posts are so intersting- I know I am just so cool). I have to keep my street cred up, so dont hate me! Actually I WANT you to be a little annoyed with me. That would be the sincerest form of flattery (it shows that you actually paid attention to this crappy blog that I make when it's relatively late at night, and that you are DYING for posts). Well, I'm here to finally end your suffering by telling you a little story about me and my family.
It all started about three weeks ago when my sister went back down to college. One night, my parents were interested in her well being (they do love ONE of their kids), and called her up. She didn't answer. They called her again. Still no answer. They called her over and over again for about two hours not knowing if she was actually alive (don't worry she was). Finally we get hold of her; she's in tears, comepletely and utterly disturbed. She and her boyfriend had a little argument (i still do not know what it is to this day, and probably never will). Well, they broke up-- the grand seven year relationship that everyone in my family thought would NEVER end actually did in fact end. It turned out to be quite the ugly little affair: a few days later, he posted on facebook that he was seeing this NEW girl. My sister, upset, showed this girl a nasty comment the boyfriend had originally wrote about that new girl. Let's just say, he got a little upset. He started harassing my sister with hate mail and text messages that she actually had to block his number entirely.
Well, my mother was quite upset with this boy (naturally, he broke her darling daughter's heart). She was so mad that she even came up to me and instructed me to never break a girl's heart like that EVER regardless of the situation. Now, I found three problems with that demand. 1) there is no way I am getting a girlfriend any time soon, so I won't have the opportunity to such a thing (hey, girls i REALLY am availabe)
2) If i ever get a girlfriend, there is no way I am ever letting her go because God knows when I'll get another one.
3) If the girl's totally annoying and makes me unhappy, why should I bother making her feel happy? I should look out for myself right?
WRONG! (at least according to my mom's point of view). That boy should have settled down with her; he was not justified in leaving. You know what, I do not know what my sister did; I do not know what HE did, but come on, he was unhappy being with her. He should be justified in his actions because he should be looking out for himself first. True, he does owe her some respect, but he should have the OPTION to leave.
So many times in our lives we do things to make another person feel better. We sacrifice our own happiness, our own well being, our own LIFE just to make others feel "good". Don't you ever do such a thing. EVER. I APPLAUD my sister's now ex-boyfriend for doing what he felt was right. Naturally, I do feel a little resentment (she IS my sister), but a person's gotta do what he's gotta do.
Now, does that mean I will break up with a girl as soon as she gets annoying. HELL NO (I'm desperate remember). But I wont do another person a favor just out of pity or whatever; I need to get something out of it. It's my life baby, and I intend to live for myself.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Billy In DA House!

Yes, Yes, I know what you all must be thinking about my title. "He all ready referenced this Ali G In Da House movie! We all get it, and he's not funny at all. Do you know what I think, he must be really immature to pull this joke twice and still think it is funny!" Well, naturally, I'd have to tell you: "You know what, you may not think I'm funny, but you STILL are reading this blog, so take THAT!" Now given your personality and life experience, you'd react to this by either 1. having a moment of realization, think I'm pretty cool, and thus want to date me (I'm available!), 2. thinking I'm totally "immature", close the browser, and listen to sad depressing emo songs as you are so depressed that you just wasted precious time out of your very valuable life, or 3. saying, "dude, you just ripped off the joke in your friend's blog: you're unoriginal and stupid (but I still want to date you because you are just so sexually attractive)"- SERIOUSLY I'm available! On a serious note though, let's talk about something relatively important (well to me).
If you have payed any attention to the title (I all ready went over the "ali g" joke, do you really want me go through it again?), you will notice that I referenced a person named "Billy". Now, this person is VERY VERY special to me. He is one of the most important people in my life (No, he is not my lover: I all ready told you I single (and if you're curious, I'm straight)). I'll come right out and say it. I am Billy, or at least, Billy is a PART of me. If I sound confusing, weird, and incomprehendable, just bear with me. I'll explain it all in little story starting.....NOW
One night, I was reading this person's writing as he/she asked me to correct it and basically do some "peer editting" (weird, huh). Well, all of a sudden, I was starting to get very anal, tried to pass off as "sophisticated", and started talking in a british accent. I realized that this seemed very much out of character as I am not British and have never lived in England. Naturally, I gave this personality a name (Billy, if you're curious). Well, originally this naming process was just intended to be all in good fun as I could laugh myself to high heaven (it was one o clock in the morning and I'm sure that the expression "high heaven" has been used once before). Then, out of the blue (no not heaven), I started having conversations with Billy (myself). He became a real person (inside of me). Freaked out, as anyone would be, I asked him, "where did he come from, who was he, and if I was going crazy". He didn't answer any of these questions, just smiled, and told me something so cryptic that even I did not understand him.
Eventually, several nights later, I started thinking a little bit. That night, I learned that Billy embodied all the characteristics society told me to embody. I thus realized that Billy was a part of me. He was the "societal" influence within me. This was the truth, it had to be..... Part of me screamed out in anger, hating him. I wanted to wring his neck, destroy him. Something about me was just constantly telling me to ignore him, cast him aside forever. It was Prabh.....
P.S. Sorry, I am posting this one night late. I just didn't feel like writing anything last night. Can you really blame me? Do you really care? Am I talking to anyone? RESPOND TO ME! (in the comments section right below, I will hold conversations with you throughout the week, and who knows, you might just inspire me to write about something)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Those Immature $$$$$$

Hey, everyone, fatty is in da house!! (reference to Ali G in da house if you didn't catch it; I know I just ruined the joke by stating its origins, but shut up, it's my blog and I can do whatever I want. If you want to make your own "funny" jokes, then you should go make your own blog, and then I can make fun of your lack of originality because you're just copying me). Sorry y'all I'm kinda in a really good mood which is obscuring my own sense of originaliy as happiness always turns me into a mindless "regular" who views the world "normally" and thinks he or she is"interesting" But do not fret! I will discuss a topic that makes me very very mad: people's notions of maturity.
Everywhere I go (well school and one friend's house, but that IS everywhere I go), random people (almost everyone in my grade/school) say, "you're weird and annoying. Get away from me. You smell like feces and not the good kind. Dude, stop touching me. No, I don't want to see your stupid blog or the hairy growth on your stomach. GET YOUR ARMPIT OUT OF MY FACE!!!!" All these comments do not bother me; in fact, they make me giggle on the inside since I just made someone feel angry or annoyed (it's a passion). However, one comment that about four people have said to me REALLY sets me off, "You are so immature" (No, I am not just guestmating the four people- one person who was joking but I yelled at and stopped, one person at a party who I grew to hate, one random person on facebook, and a friend whom I occasionally hate). Now, you might be saying, "But fatty, you are immature, what's your problem?" If you just thought this, I just want you to know that I strongly dislike you now, and here's why. I hate all people who are condescending or think they inherently better than others ( I don't think they are bad people- that would be a paradox now wouldn't it). I just don't like associating with them or ever talking to them. To state that you have maturity or that another person is immature, you are inherently showing condescending behavior: you think less of that person and glorify yourself (you should know how I feel about people who make themselves feel superior). Secondly, I hate the notion of maturity because it because the whole notion of it means that you've achieved what society deems to be "ideal behavior" or your doing the "good thing." You know that society is retarded (yes i just said that), so why should we adhere to something that is so stupid. If a stupid person told you to slather yourself in peanut butter and jump into a crocodile infested lake, would you do it? Well, if you followed the norms of society you would!
But seriously, it's all a mark of arrogance. For example, (remember that person at the party), I told someone that "maturity" was something that only breeds arrogance and oftentimes motion to alienate people from a specific environment. She/he (ignoring my argument entirely- btw I did go into greater detail with him/her) simply stated that was what an "immature" person would say. And held her/his head up high, content, happy, basking in his/her "righteousness". Later throughout the party, she/he kept making fun of my random comments thus making herself/himself feel even more superior by putting me down. You know what I developed an intense anger for this person because he/she was one of those "mature" people who thought it was all right to put me down because I want. I have this theory that she/he only became mature so that she/he make himself/herself seem refined and elegant or socially smart.
I'm not telling you to go out and tar and feather all people who state they are mature, but what I am saying is don't think they are better just because they say they are. "Mature" people have an intrinsic quality to be "arrogant". They consciously chose to be "mature" because they wanted to have a sense of importance. When they think they attained this specialness, they show it off to the world and laugh at other people who didn't attain it.
Ok, I'm rambling again. I've done that in every post now at least once. Let me just ask you something. What kind of sixteen year old WANTS to be "mature"?" Do you want to be like that?
I don't , and you shouldn't either.

P.S. for the two people who actually read this blog, and for the one person who officially commented regarding the title, NEITHER ONE OF YOU GUESSED THE TITLE CORRECTLY! BECAUSE NO ONE REALLY RESPONDED, I WILL NOT REVEAL THE ORIGINS OF THE TITLE OR WHAT IT MEANS! SORRY, BUT I WANT IT TO BE A SECRET FOR WHEN PEOPLE ACTUALLY START READING (it'll happen someday?)

Monday, August 18, 2008


All right guys, I have some general news about my new posting schedule. I will post every Friday night from now until the rest of the year (unless of course I'm feeling REALLY edgy). I want to say I am sorry, but I am not. This extra time will give me time to actually organize my ideas, and this schedule will force me to actually maintain this blog. Now, onto some business....
If you haven't noticed, I have chosen a very peculiar title for my blog (Myasg), and I want to see if anyone can actually figure out how I arrived at this title and/or what this title signifies. I want you guys to place your guesses in the "comments" section of this thread. The first person who answers correctly will win a secret prize (don't worry, I'll get it through legal means). You have exactly one week to answer. Starting NOW!
(what could it be? can each letter stand for a word (man, your aerial stations, gents!), is it a secret code to the hidden treasure that I keep in my closet? make your guesses and FIND OUT!)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I'm Back

Hello you all. Sorry to keep you waiting, but I was actually busy the last week (no, not with friends, I all ready told you I don't have hardly any). First off, I have to apologize for everyone waiting so anxiously for a post (if there was someone). If you are just "tuning in" to my blog then welcome! Last week (again no friends), I was busying studying for my SAT and doing some last minute summer homework for school, which starts next week for me.
If you know me and heard any of my rambles before, you must be wondering "why on earth is this little Indian child studying?" (keep the "hardworking" nerdy indian stereotype to yourself please). If you do not know me (or have not heard this ramble) let me explain. I believe that people have a genetic disposition to be "superior" to others. This nature if you have noticed has fueled the competitive drive that is ubiquitous in modern day society. It's what makes people want to have a super powerful rich future, makes us want to be famous, makes us want to be more athletic, and whatnot. Let me just put it hypothetically. If the job positions (manager and staffworker) paid an equal amount of money and demanded the same amount of work, what would you want to be? Now, you might be saying (you little smart alec), "Oh, that will never come up in life" You know what maybe it won't, or maybe it will. You still chose whatever it is you wanted for a reason, and that reason is still a MAJOR FACTOR in the choice you will make in real life. So ya...
Now what the heck am I getting at? I just wanted to say that I work to be "successful" (I will critique the notion of "success" in later entries thank you). I'll just give you the jist: I think that success is only the manifestation of our desire to be superior (again, just hold on a little bit, I'm too lazy to explain in detail now). I have come to consciously reject this notion in rambles, conversations (with myself), and blogs, and yet there I was working to be "good". Why? I am a human being and it is in my genetic code to attain success. Basically what I want to say is that I am a hypocrite. In later entries, I will scream/critique humanity. That does not mean I do not do those little whatnots. In fact, it probably means that I DO those whatnots. Sorry to ramble, but I am tired and going to bed.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The First Post Ever

Hello and Welcome to my Blog! Now, naturally if you are reading this, I pity you as you probably have nothing worthwile to do with your time and are bored out of this world. Either that or you are someone I have been incessantly annoying to come and check out this "super awesome" thing I just made up. If that is the case, I apologize for being so damn annoying and hope you do not think less of me as a person. Now, you may be asking why the hell am I (an awkward 16 year old boy with hardly any social life) making a blog? Well, first, I would like to emphasize the phrase "hardly any social life." I have an incredible amount of free time on my hands and as a result, am bored very often. I haven't been out of the house in about a week and have been growing lonelier and lonelier by the minute. Desperate for companionship, I have grown to talking to myself. Through these long and tedious conversations, I have analyzed why my friends(yes, I do have friends) and family behave or function the way they do. After uncovering answers, I was able to make generalizations for why "certain types of people" behave the way they do. Now, you are probably asking why the heck am I making a blog? Is this a "call for attention" or a desperate way to release all my "teenage angst." No, it isn't (well, I guess I have somewhat of a "biased" opinion in that regard due to my natural human nature to be "unique" , but it is my opinion nontheless). I am making a blog for this simple reason: my friend (again, I do have some friends) suggested it. That, and I wanted to fulfill the legacy of my 8th grade computer teacher who made a blog for his students. But back to my friend. He himself made a blog (http://ferret62.blogspot.com/) to describe all the emotions, thoughts, and whatnot he had been feeling. Now, if you bothered to follow the link I provided, you will know that my friend can be described as "anti-religious" (if you didn't follow the link, you are fine- i just told you the jist of first post). Now, I would have to agree with my friend on some regard. In general (not to offend anybody), I believe people have "invented" religion to cope with the insignificance of human life. We are a simply a mutation : a mistake. Most conscious minds, however, cannot deal with that "horrifying" truth. They want to make their lives mean something, be remembered, or (as is the case with religion) be immortal. Nevertheless, I have always believed in fate/destiny (if you can call that religion). I believe that people only perceive time as a continuous stream; time is something that does not exist. The past, present, and future all happen at the same time. Therefore, our futures are all ready set in stone. I know I do not have any proof of this, but I guess you can call this my religion. However, this is not something that I invented to make myself feel more important. In fact I am making myself feel more insignificant; if this is true, we have no control of our lives and are essentially dust in the wind. If I offend you, I apologize (however you are just proving my point that people want to seek purpose). I will continue updating my blog, thus broadcasting previous rants I have had or will have with myself in the future. Stay tuned.